5 Places in Morocco You Must Visit

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CIEE Teach Abroad

Morocco is one of the most beautiful and interesting countries in the world. Period. If you’re lucky enough to get a teaching job in this country, take advantage of weekends and vacations and be sure to see these amazing places! Flights to Morocco are also incredibly inexpensive from Madrid, which means you can combine Spain and North Africa in one amazing trip!

  1. The Old Medina of Fez

This sprawling maze of alleyways, shops and houses is one of the most intact medieval cities in the world. Inside the walls, you’ll find monumental madrasas with stunning architecture, souks and vendors of every description, fresh squeezed orange juice, and stalls full of sweets and spices. The streets are too narrow for cars, so expect to find donkeys carrying everything from propane tanks to TVs – if you hear someone calling “balak!” it’s time to get out of the way!


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  1. The Mountain Town of Chefchaouen

Nestled under a towering mountain, this little town is a delight to explore. Many of the passageways and houses are painted a cheerful blue color. You’ll have to climb stairs to the top of the town, but the sunset view is amazing. If you’re feeling adventurous, there are hiking trails to climb further up the mountain.


  1. The Shrines and Ruins of Moulay Idriss

This city is famous in Morocco as a pilgrimage site. It’s built on a hill, so you can admire the green-tiled roofs of the mosque and mausoleum from the top of the town. It’s just a short drive from the nearby Roman Ruins at Volubilis, so you can also see beautiful mosaics and arches and explore the remains of ancient workshops and houses. It makes for a great day trip from Fez!


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  1. The Kasbah of Rabat

It’s hard to get more picturesque than this old fortress perched over the Atlantic ocean. Inside, you’ll find charming blue and white houses, friendly neighborhood cats, and even a courtyard turned into a huge garden. The sea breeze and ocean view are icing on the cake! While in Rabat, it’s definitely worth checking out the Chellah, a fortified complex of gardens, tombs, and ruins with amazing views of the river and floodplain.


  1. Marrakesh

This world-famous city is chock-full of palaces, monuments, and amazing architecture. You can spend days wandering here and still not see it all. The most unique feature of the city, without a doubt, is the central square of the Jemaa el-Fnaa. This huge square is the busiest in all of Africa, full of performers, storytellers, artists, and vendors. At night, pop-up restaurants set up shop and fill the square with mouth-watering smoke from grilling meat.


Excited? Add Morocco to your bucket list!

