5 Careers that Teaching Abroad Prepares you for (that aren't Teaching)

Programs for this blog post

Teach In South Korea Program

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CIEE Teach Abroad
CIEE Teach in South Korea

Teaching abroad is an excellent way to put off the real world, well sort of. Many recent college grads will teach English abroad as a way to travel after school and take some time to figure out what they want to do for the rest of their lives. Some teachers even say they paid off their student loans through teaching abroad, but we don’t recommend you rely on that. 

Teaching abroad is more than just a post-grad gig, though, even if education is not your intended profession. By teaching abroad you aren't merely putting off your career, but rather, you are gaining some truly competitive skills that can be applied to numerous jobs. So proudly put your new qualifications on your resume, because your experience will make you an excellent candidate for these fields, and more.