10 Ways Teaching English Abroad Can Improve Your Resume

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CIEE Teach Abroad

Working as an English teacher abroad gives you a unique skillset and perspective that sets you apart from the rest. So, if you’re looking for just one more reason why you should teach English abroad, here it is: it will look great on your resume. And not just for those in field of education, we mean everyone. So, if you’re worried how such a long hiatus from your desired career field will look on your resume, do not fret.  And, if you have taught abroad in the past and haven’t put it on your resume, it’s about time you did! There are so many ways to show off your work abroad, it’s all about how you present it!

1. International work experience

It may not come as a surprise to you that employers like to see international experience on your resume. It shows your willingness to try something new and a desire to push yourself out of your comfort zone. It also shows your interest and experience with cultures that are different from your own. These are positive traits for anyone to possess and employers recognize that.

2. Communication Skills

Communication skills are valuable on any resume, and teaching English as foreign language proves particularly exceptional communication skills. Inherently, moving to another country forces one to communicate with those of a different culture and language. But as an English teacher abroad, you will have worked alongside people who don’t speak English, and you can command a room of students who don’t speak English as well. These are some above average communication skills.

3. Versatility

If education isn’t your desired career field, then working as an English teacher abroad may not seem like an obvious job choice. However, it shows you have the ability to change jobs that requires an entirely new set of skills and exceed at it. Teaching abroad isn’t just a random detour it's an example of versatility!

4. Ability to work with anyone

Working well with others is a key skill that employers are looking for and working alongside people from different culture will show that and then some.

5. Adapt to new environments 

Teaching English abroad forces you to think on your feet in new environments. It tests your navigation skills; problem solving skills and shows employers that you are not afraid of a challenge. It also proves your flexibility, cooperation and that you can make the most out of an uncomfortable and new environment.

6. Leadership

As a lead teacher or even a language and cultural assistant, you’ll step in front of a classroom and make it your own. Not only will you be taking on a leadership role, but you will likely be leading a group of students who don’t understand you all the time! If you can confidently lead in that environment, you can be a leader anywhere.

7. Public speaking

Employers want it, and you can prove you’ve got it! After teaching anywhere in the world, you’ll have no problem speaking to a room full of people. Who better to practice on than eager students ready to learn?

8. Creativity

After coming up with new and fun lesson plans every week, you’ll be able to put creativity at the top of your resume. After spending a year captivating your students’ attention, creativity will be second nature.

9. Problem solving skills

Being completely independent for a year abroad means you’ve tackled problems and found solutions all on your own; something future employers will be excited to see.

10. Interesting talking point

Best of all, you’ll have some great talking points. A year abroad doing something entirely new stands out! Rather than taking the conventional path, you’ll have taken a year to challenge yourself culturally and professionally. This is something that people take notice of and will want to ask you about!

So, what are you waiting for? Take that year long hiatus and improve your resume. You’ll return with 10 desired skills that will set you apart and be an even more qualified candidate than you were when you left.