When in Rome...

Programs for this blog post

Connecting Italian Art, History & Culture

Authored By:

Tracy Gallo

Our students have been amazing!!! Our schedule has us going from 8am to 10 -11pm each day and these students have been troopers as they also try to fight through jetlag and the early summer heat in the city. They haven't missed a beat! They have been learning some survival Italian in daily language courses for 2 hours a day and learning about the historical significance of the city through the many amazing sights. We have all been in awe as we venture around this great city and see so much history that has been preserved over the centuries. Words and pictures cannot describe what it is like to see these sights in person. Sights that we have studied in our history and art history classes, no matter what age you are. Rome is definitely a city that should be on everyone's bucket list!