Weekend in Valencia! (Read: Beaches and Paella)

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Spanish Language & Culture

Valencia is the nearest beach to Madrid. Throughout the summer many a madrileño can be found making the four hour trek to the coast to enjoy some time in the sun and some delicious paella. Since we are spending the summer living as the madrileños do, we spent the past weekend joining in on this summer tradition. We also discovered that Valencia has a lot more to offer in addition to the playa and paella.

Our first stop was the Fallas Museum. Every March valencianos build large wooden structures throughout the city and then burn them down in an amazing spectacle of fireworks, smoke, and flames. The structures often represent famous people or scenes. The winning ninot is saved from the flames each year and placed in this museum. Here are some that we saw:


  • We had fun at the beach:
  • We took a walking tour of the old town:
  • We at paella and took a boat tour through the rice fields of Albufera:
  • We visited the Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències where we got to check out an awesome science museum and splash around in inflatable bubbles: