Volunteer work at Ludoteca Minga Valpo

Last Friday we headed to Cerro Merced, a zone of Valparaíso that was effected by a major fire in 2010.  The area is still in the process of re-building. Our destination was Ludoteca Minga Valpo, a non-profit after-school center for the neighborhood children.  The ludoteca is constructed of natural, sustainable materials (soil, hay, repurposed glass) and utilizes eco-friendly architecture practices.  

In order to help advance the project, we divided into groups to work in the garden--weeding, cleaning, building flower boxes, etc.  Other groups also worked with the children to learn a song in Spanish/English and to prepare the afternoon snack. We worked side-by-side with Valparaíso natives as well as a group of international volunteers.

The kids were very dedicated to making a difference in the community. We were impressed with how much was accomplished in only a few hours!

We also learned that in Chile a "Minga" is an event in which the community comes together to complete a project.  Per tradition, we finished the afternoon with good food and song.