A Visit to the Plaza de Toros

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Spanish Language & Culture

Hola! Today the Global Navigators visited the Plaza de Toros, Sevilla´s bull fighting ring. Bull fighting started during the Roman times and changed dramatically to the current style of bull fighting that we know today in the 18th century. In the 18th century a famous matador (bull fighter) by the name of Francisco Romero, drastically changed the style of bull fighting to a slower, smoother, and more dangerous style of bull fighting. Francisco Romero was the first bull fighter to start fighting closer to the bull, making the show more exciting. 

Today bull fighting exists in many parts of Spain and is an important part of the culture and history of Spain. In a typical bull fight there are 3 matadores, and 6 bulls. All of the bulls are killed at the end of the bull fight. For the matador to be considered successful, they must fight the bull elegantly, and cause it the least painful death possible. 

Today students went on a tour of the museum and had a look inside the bull fighting ring. Students asked our tour guide Isabel many questions about the history of bull fighting, and how it works today.

Matadores wear decorative outfits like the jacket above during the bull fight to add to the elegance of the show. 


Elliot and Argenis create their own ¨bull fighting¨ scene in the ring.