Una excursión a Cádiz

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Spanish Language & Culture

Hola! This weekend the Global Discovery students took a day trip to Cádiz, considered to be the oldest inhabited city in Spain, and one of the oldest in Europe! Cádiz was founded in 1.100 B.C by the Phoenicians, and was inhabited by Carthaginians, Visigoths, Romans and Muslims. Cádiz is a beautiful port city with a lot of important history! Students enjoyed the cities charm, history, and beautiful ocean views. We explored the important monuments, walked down the narrow cobblestone streets, and ended our day with free time to enjoy the beautiful Atlantic Ocean!

Students pictured in front of Monumento de la Constitución de 1812. 


Laura Gonima admires the beautiful ancient seashell walls through out the city. 


Students taking pictures and of course, SnapChating their first impressions of the ocean!

Students walk through the beautiful streets of Cádiz admiring ancient architecture and the charming atmopshere of the city.

Students listening to our excellent tour guide, Alejandro, as he explains the history of the Cathedral de Cádiz. 

Students admire the Atlantic Ocean from way up above in the mirador on top of the Cathedral de Cádiz. Although it was a long journey up to the top, the view was completly worth it!

Having fun taking pictures from the top of the Cathedral. Cant keep the Digital Filmmaking and Documentary students away from their cameras!

Students wander through the Mercado Central, seeing all of the fresh fish for sale, all of which was caught locally!

Hasta luego Cádiz! Que cuidad mas bella!