A Trip to the Poet's House

Authored By:

Daniel Audi

Chile has a rich literary history and boasts two Nobel Laureates: Gabriela Mistral and Pablo Neruda.  While Mistral gained some noteriety in her lifetime for her extraordinary talents, Pablo Neruda earned global fame, both for his poetry and his politics, and became perhaps the most famous poet of the 20th century.  He had three homes in Chile, which are now museums, and one of them, nicknamed La Sebastiana, is located here in Valparaiso.  The students had the privilege to tour the house and get a taste of how the literary giant lived his life.  

Unfortunately photography is not permitted inside the house, but most of the team got to take a picture with La Sebastiana in the background.

Photo for blog post A Trip to the Poet's House

And of course, we had to have a crazy photo...

Photo for blog post A Trip to the Poet's House

As we were the leaving, light from the setting sun caught this bench with the poet's silhouette just right to make a mirror image.

Photo for blog post A Trip to the Poet's House