Reflective Essay (Maia)

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K-Pop Immersion

   When I first thought of coming to Korea, I was not prepared for what would actually be happening and I’m very happy with the surprises I have had. Coming to Korea the initial plan was to enjoy my time and see the famous and maybe some not so famous sites in Seoul, South Korea. What ended up happening was I found a new understanding of not only Korean history but the part it plays in Kpop today. It was introduced in a way that connected daily life to the development of music which in turn made a new modern culture that adds to Korea as well as the rest of the world due to the strong and forever expanding economy. The idea that what happened thousands of years ago has an impact on popular culture today is astounding and impressive in so many ways. 

    Kpop today is not any more different than it is the same as it was when it was first labeled Kpop. In fact the training process that produces these idols has been in place for years even before the major groups and companies came together. This trip was enlightening in many ways and getting to see the culture and the daily life of the people who live this structure all the time was eye opening. It's incredible to think that somehow this culture has survived the ups and the downs over time and has still been able to develop while retaining the basic structure for society. Walking around Seoul and outside of Seoul I was able to see the world differently. Although culture shock was not an issue for me it was still eye opening getting to see the strictly structured society of South Korea. Overall the understanding of the society comes from knowing the history which somehow has actually been strongly influenced by the music over the years.  

    Now I’m not sure if I have done this essay properly but I hope that the main idea that came out of it was simply that from this trip I have found a new understanding of a completely different culture. Understanding the strong influence pop culture has on daily life and the structured culture of the society having a great effect on Kpop is one thing but getting to see it in real life is different. My trip has been as enlightening as it was fun and I am forever grateful to the staff who have furthered my knowledge. 


-Maia, Global Navigator