Reflections on the First Few Days

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

This first week has been full of adventure, surprises, new friendships, and lots and lots of "castellano!"  The group is adapting to city life and embracing the Spanish lifestyle wholeheartedly.  However, rather than offer you my own observations, let's hear what some of our distinguished participants have to say about week one!


"What was your favorite activity during the first few days of the program?"

Louis C:  "La plaza de toros!"

Sarah S:  "Trying the new types of foods!"

Jacob C:  "Meeting everybody!"

Yomy M:  "Going into the community to do activities with locals."



What is a Spanish cultural custom that has surprised or impressed you?

Katie L:  "I was surprised at how late the Spanish eat their dinners!  The sun is still up at 9:30PM!"

Eli S:  "The food is incredible!  Me encanta!"

Sarah S:  "The word 'vale.'"


"How are your classes here?  Are they different from your classes in the U.S.?

Louis C:  "They are smaller and more engaging."

Miranda G:  "I like my classes here in the aula center! I feel like I'm learning a lot compared to my classes in the United States. In terms of class structure it's kind of similar but I like my classes here more."

Saul G:  "The classroom environment is very energized and social.  It's a very friendly environment."

Jacob C:  "Yes, I like it more because I learn more, and it is more challenging.   The students are also more interested!"


"How has your host family been?  How has your experience been different from your U.S. family?"

Katie L: "I'm an only child in the U.S., and here my host family is bigger!  It's fun to have sisters!"

Christine S:  "My family is super nice!"

Yomy M:  "I like my host family a lot, and I feel like they're similar to my U.S. family because I can talk to them and ask about anything."


"What do you have to do before you leave?"

Eli S:  "I want to go to dinner with a friend at an authentic, beautiful restaurant!"

Harpeth L:  "I'm looking forward to visiting art museums and the Royal Palace of Madrid."

Elba L:  "Explore the city more!"

Olaf K:  "I want to go on the cable car in Parque Oeste, and I want to get better at Spanish!"

  Stay tuned for more fun updates and stories from what is sure to be an amazing summer!     Hasta pronto,  Zach