Pizza, Amici, e Nuove Esperienze

Programs for this blog post

Italian Language & Culture

Authored By:

Daniella Lubey

Ciao a tutti! 

It has been a whirlwind this week with 39 lovely students here in Milan to learn Italian language, culture and explore Milano! Yesterday, was our first day in the classroom for their second day of orientation. Later we toured the Isola neighborhood and ate their first pizza Napoletana at Gino Sorbillo Pizzerie Napoletane.

We were very impressed with students who helped translate the menu that was in Italian and ordered all different types of pizza using their new language skills. Many were open to trying different things on their pizza that they do not usually find in the states like - Mozzarella di Bufala, Mortadella, 'Nduja, and Salsiccia e Friarielli. Students were curious about all the new flavors, types of pizza, and commented on how fresh the ingredients were in comparison to what they normally eat in the US. 


Here are some basic Italian phrases to know in the restaurant:

  • Can I see the menu please? – Il menu, per favoreEel men-oo, pehr fah-voh-reh
  • What do you recommend? – Che cosa ci consiglia?Kay koh-za chee kon-seel-ya?
  • I’m allergic to… – Sono allergica/o a...Son-oh ah-ler-gee-koh / kah ah
  • Gluten / Dairy / Fish – Glutine / Lattecini / Pesce – Gloo-teen-ay /  Lah-tay-cheen-ee / Pesh-ay 
  • A glass / bottle – Una bicchiere / una bottigliaOO-nah beek-kyeh-reh / boht-tee-lyah
  • Appetizer – Antipasto – Ahn-tee-pah-stoh
  • First course – PrimoPree-moh
  • Second course – SecondoSek-kon-doh
  • Dessert – DolciDoll-chee
  • Yes – SiSee
  • No – NoNoh
  • Please – Per favorePehr fah-voh-reh
  • Thank you – GrazieGrah-tsee-eh
  • You’re welcome – PregoPreh-goh
  • Excuse me (for attention) – ScusiSkoohzee
  • Excuse me (to pass by) – PermessoPehr-mehs-soh
  • Do you speak English? – Parla Inglese?Parh-la een-glay-zeh
  • I don’t understand – Non capiscoNon kah-pee-skoh
  • I’m sorry – Mi dispiaceMee dees-pyah-cheh
  • Where’s the bathroom? – Dov’è il bagno? – Doh-veh eel bahn-yoh?
  • The check (bill) please – Il conto, per favoreEel kon-toh, pehr fah-voh-reh
  • Can I pay by card? – Posso pagare con la carta?Pohs-soh pah-gah-reh kon la cahr-tah?