Nami Island

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Nami Island is located in the Northern Han River just an hour or two away from Yonsei University in Seoul. Originally a peninsula, the construction of a dam during the Japanese occupation of Korea flooded the valley and cut it off from the mainland. Prior to 1965 the island was used as fields for a few peanut farmers until Minn Byeong-do, the governor of Bank of Korea, purchased the island. He was entranced by its beauty, and after retirement made it his goal to turn the island into a beautiful garden. Minn Byeong-do planted over 30,000 trees and plants on the island and constructed amenities for potential tourists. Korea however remained in an economic depression, and lack of tourism nearly plunged the Minn family into bankruptcy. Their fortunes drastically changed when in 2002 the Korean drama "Winter Sonata" captured the hearts of men and women all across Asia. Filmed primarily on Nami Island, the beautiful garden suddenly became a special destination for fans of the drama to re-live and re-enact their favorite scenes. Since then the island has become a popular destination for locals and tourists alike who wish to spend a day or even just an afternoon surrounded by majestic groves of trees and the serene waters of the Northern Han River. In 2006 the island declared itself culturally independent and is now formally recognized as the micro-nation Naminara Republic. 


This is the tombstone of General Nam I who is the islands namesake.

Nami island is home to some quirky creatures.

To build off on the quirky creatures the island is also home to incredible plant life.

The characters of Winter Sonata have been permanently memorialized on the island.

Throughout the island there are many features which are appealing for kids. After all Nami island is known for its support for Children's Literature.

The founder Minn Byeong-Do memorialized on the island.



- Cassie, Maia, Taylor
