More Adventures in Madrid!

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Spanish Language & Culture

¡Hola a todos!

As usual, we've been keeping very busy here in Madrid. Students finished up their first week of classes and have been practicing what they have learned at home with their host families and when we complete our Into the Community Activities. This week students went to a traditional tapas restaurant, visited the Prado and Sorolla museums and went biking through Madrid Rio park. 

Students in the gardens outside the Sorolla Museum.

We had a blast at our karaoke night on Friday where we discovered quite a few talented vocalists in the group. Students and host families came together to sing songs in both English and Spanish. Check out the photos below including one of our very own CIEE One Direction cover band. 



Karaoke 4

On Saturday Morning, we woke up early and took our first excursion out of the city of Madrid. We rode north to Castilla y León and the Hoces del Duratón national park and nature preserve. Here we went kayaking through the beautiful river that sits at the bottom of a canyon. After learning about the species of birds that live in the park (a type of vulture with a wing span of almost two meters!) we went for a swim in the water to cool down. 



After our morning on the river, we headed to Segovia, an ancient city home to a castle and former royal residence, a cathedral as well as aqueducts dating back to the times of ancient Rome. We explored the castle together before having some free time to wander around the winding hilly streets.


Segovia 2

Segovia 4

Segovia 5

Segovia 6


Hasta la próxima,
