Monteverde is Paradise

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Climate Change Mitigation

Authored By:

Alexander Schwank
Words do not do justice to how incredible our time has been in Monteverde. From ziplining and tree canopy climbing, to learning about local coffee production and how to cook like a Tico, to exploring the Cloud Forest reserve, we have struck the perfect balance between learning and adventure. Our ziplining and tree climbing expeditions found us pushing ourselves to new heights. The perspective of flying thru the clouds and being perched atop the treetop was breathtaking. When we challenge ourselves in healthy ways, it's amazing to see how much fun we can have while also developing confidence and courage in our own abilities. At Dona Hermida's farm, it was fascinating to learn about how she grows coffee in a sustainable and conscious way. Having learned the art from her father, she brings a great amount of love and care into her work. After we explored her land, we helped learn to cook a tasty Tico lunch using her own home-grown vegetables, and we all had the chance to try her coffee. Even the non coffee drinkers in our group were amazed at how smooth and delicious this drink was, and i think every one of us are bringing some home for you to try. The Monteverde Cloud Forest reserve is home to some of the most diverse wildlife in the world. Occupying less than 1.5% of the world's forests, this unique and precious high-altitude climate is home to fast flying clouds working their way thru the dense forest, to help feed the abundance of life all around. On our hike here, as well as on a night hike at the connected Eternal Children's Forest, we spotted a variety of creatures, including a pit viper snake, swarms of hummingbirds, a tarantula in her nest, and the rare resplendent Quetzal. This place is full of life and full of magic. We are reminded how fragile and important forests like this are, and we leave hopeful that positive steps we take today will enable future generations to be able to visit this place long into the future. Everywhere we go, we have been awestruck by the immense beauty, the peaceful friendly culture, and diverse biodiversity around us. This journey has encouraged us all to live fully in the moment and i think it's fair to say we have all grown in many ways. We feel inspired to protect and support the diverse web of life we are all a part of, and are creating powerful strategies to help spread awareness back home. With grateful hearts and minds we now begin our final leg of the journey back to San Jose.