Goodbye USA, Hello France!

Programs for this blog post

French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Cynthia Isaac Douge

After arriving this Sunday, the students met their peers and went home with their host families after. Since then, they have begun settling into their homestays, venturing into the city, and taking language classes. Monday included a session containing information about the program and city, a tour of the surrounding neighborhood, and a welcome party! The tour allowed them to familiarize themselves with the area and even snap some pictures for Instagram! At the party, the kids bowled, played foosball (aka baby-foot in French), and got to know each other. We are thrilled to have such a great group of students with us!


Students posing at the welcome party

New friendships were blooming!

Serious foosball playing happening

We got to see their competitive sides come out!

Students posing at the Rue Crèmieux

Students posing for pictures at Rue Crémieux.


On Tuesday, they got to see some of the most significant sights in Paris on a boat tour! We endured some funny and corny jokes about the sights per the tour guide. We saw the Grande Palais, the real-life restaurant inspiration for the cinematic classic Ratatouille, the Louvre, Notre Dame, Musée d'Orsay, the Eiffel Tower, and more. The amazement on the students' faces as they saw one iconic sight after another was truly heartwarming. Here are some pictures we got of the kids with the iconic Eiffel Tower behind them:

Students with the Eiffel Tower behind them!
All smiles on the boat tour!
Students smiling on the boat tour

We have a big week ahead of us and look forward to exploring Paris with your students!