Gender Specific Parking Spaces and Korea's National Flower

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While walking around Yonsei University's parking lot, many of us noticed the bright pink parking spaces with the female symbol.

This was quite interesting for us and raised many questions. Why is there a need for these spaces? Why females? 

This is quite contrasting to Western culture as we have never seen something like this back home. In the US, people are calling for a more "genderless" society (ex. Target's nonspecific gender bathrooms). This shows how much of a binary society Korea still is.


In Andong we found Korea's national flower, Hibiscus Syriacus, in English it is better known as the Rose of Sharon.

This flower thrives under any weather condition. Koreans praise this flower which represents their country after its' hardships.

The flower blooms once every 10 years during the summer/fall season.
