Gastronomic "Tour" of Chile

On Tuesday morning, the students met at Instituto Técnico Profesional Marítimo in Cerro Playa Ancha for a cooking class.  It is a technical high school that offers a four-year career in Gastronomy.  We were divided into 5 groups, each led by a fourth-year student, to prepare a distinct appetizer, main course, and dessert.  

We learned about the importance of fresh ingredients in Chilean cuisine.  It was a great opportunity to work with some uniquely Chilean products and to learn about typical dishes, such as "cazuela" (a chicken stew), ceviche, empanadas, "pastel de choclo"(corn pie) , and lots of seafood (including "cochayuyu"--seaweed!). 

Of course, we saved the best for last--dessert!!  Our postres included flan, ice cream, meringue, and two versions of "huesillo con mote" (a typical peach dessert).  

We also got to see first hand how a professional kitchen works; the importance of being organized, keeping track of time, and finally, presentation. It wasn't easy, but the groups worked very diligently to prepare a great meal!

 Thank you again to our wonderful student leaders and of course, Miguel and Jan Carlos, the lead professors.  It truly was one of of our favorite experiences in Valparaíso.