Forum, Vatican, and Colosseum, oh my!

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Connecting Italian Art, History & Culture

Authored By:

Gabrielle Bruestle

Rome: The City of Layers – Week Two Reflections

It’s hard to believe our intrepid scholars have already wrapped up their second week in Rome. From wide-eyed novices to expert navigators, they’re now confidently traversing the ancient streets, discovering hidden gems, and building friendships that will last a lifetime. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey so far.

Mastering the Eternal City
With two weeks under their belts, the students have embraced their free time to explore Rome with newfound friends. They’ve become adept at navigating the bustling cityscape, uncovering charming cafes, historic sites, and picturesque vistas. Every corner of Rome offers a new adventure, and our students are making the most of every moment.

Stepping into History: The Roman Forum
Last week, our hands-on, on-site classes took us to some of the greatest historical sites on earth. We stepped into the Roman Forum, the very heart of ancient Rome. Once a bustling marketplace and the epicenter of political, religious, and social life, the Forum is a treasure trove of ruins that tell the story of Rome’s illustrious past. Italian educators guided the students in looking critically at these remnants, helping them identify temples, basilicas, and other significant structures. The sense of history was palpable as they walked where Julius Caesar and Cicero once stood.

The Many Lives of the Colosseum
Nearby, the Colosseum awaited. This iconic amphitheater has served many purposes over the centuries, from gladiatorial contests to public spectacles, and later as a fortress and a Christian shrine. The students marveled at its sheer scale and the ingenuity of its construction. They began to appreciate the many layers of Rome’s history—how pagan ruins underpin Christian landmarks, each era building upon the last.

Awe-Inspiring Vatican Museums
This week, we gained entry to the Vatican Museums, a collection of some of the world’s most significant art and artifacts. The students were awestruck by masterpieces such as the Laocoön Group, Raphael’s School of Athens, and the magnificent tapestries. However, it was the Sistine Chapel that left the most profound impression.

The Sistine Chapel: A Monumental Achievement
As the students craned their necks to take in Michelangelo’s stunning frescoes, they were struck by the chapel’s unexpected size. They wondered aloud how Michelangelo could have accomplished so much, painting over 5,000 square feet of ceiling. The connection between the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica further deepened their appreciation. Standing in the vastness of St. Peter’s, they realized that some of the churches they had visited in Rome could literally fit inside this colossal structure.

Discovering the Layers
Our journey through Rome has taught us to appreciate the layers of this ancient city. Each site, from the pagan ruins of the Forum to the Christian marvels of the Vatican, adds depth to our understanding of Rome’s rich tapestry. As our students continue their exploration, they’re not just learning about history—they’re living it.

Navigating with Fortitude
While the experiences have been incredible, our students have also navigated extreme heat, social tensions, and fatigue. This study abroad experience is not for the faint of heart. To take in so much in just a few weeks requires fortitude, patience, and good humor. Your words of encouragement will help them finish strong, as we anticipate many heartfelt goodbyes in less than a week.

Stay tuned for more adventures as we dive deeper into Rome’s timeless charm and uncover even more of its hidden treasures. Until next time, ciao!