Ancient palaces

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My blog is about the ancient palaces in S.Korea and the beauty and culture behind these beautiful well built and well maintained pieces. 
This is a simple photo that I took at gyongbokgung palace. It shows the ceiling and the roof of the palace which has many meanings and aspects of life during the goryo/ joseon dynasty. 

THhis is picture is of me in front of the women's quarter in geyongbok palace 

The women's quarter was more open and spacey. 

This is is a picture of the palace that is a infront of the river 

Unlike the other palaces this one was on the water. It was very beautiful and well architectured. 

Here is a picture of  the doors and he ally's that connect the palace. 

His doorway is very small and also very complex it's made to look like you are walking through an entire castle. 

This is picture is of the interior of the kings official office. 

The dragon is supposed to represent he power and protection for the king. 

This is is a picture of what the queen would usually wear on a daily.  In humid picture i payed 3000won which is around 2.50 $  and I got to try on the clothes and play the role of a queen and take many beautiful pictures.