Akwaaba! (Welcome!)
After flights filled with adventure and unexpected twists and turns, everyone arrived safely in Ghana and was greeted with a warm welcome from the CIEE Legon staff. We have been making the most of every minute since! Students have had a full orientation to their home for the next three weeks, learning details about the customs of Ghana, as well as the objectives and expectations of the HSSA Service and Leadership Program here in Legon. Students have begun to immerse themselves in Ghanaian culture through dancing, speaking a new language, Twi, and eating Ghanaian food, including jollof, fried plantains, and light soup with goat. On Tuesday, students went to their service site, Future Leaders School, and observed the younger students of the school as they energetically pursued their education. As we settle into a routine here at Legon, students have expressed excitement over the opportunity to teach and connect with the schoolchildren, and explore Ghana further through the various upcoming cultural experiences- next up, basket weaving!
-Sandra and Rachel
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