What I Packed for My CIEE Semester Abroad
Post written by CIEE Ambassador Abroad Luna Sellan who is currently participating in CIEE’s High School Abroad Program in Japan. In this blog, Luna shares valuable packing tips for studying abroad in Japan, including the importance of bringing compatible chargers, appropriate clothing, skincare, a comforting reminder of home, and a thoughtful gift for your host family.
I’ve been studying abroad in Japan for almost three months now and here’s what I think you should pack when you study abroad.
So far, I am having the time of my life here. I never want to go home and CIEE has made this experience so much better than I could have possibly imagined it being. That being said, if I could go back in time, I would make some adjustments to what I packed to make this experience a little better, mostly less stressful.
Number one, chargers.
I have a lot of devices that I, unfortunately, am very dependent on. So, I brought a couple chargers from the States to Japan. Now, chargers might seem like an obvious thing to pack but making sure that my chargers would work for a Japanese outlet saved me the hassle of having to buy new chargers after I got to Japan like my other friends. Since foreign countries have different outlets, it’s important to be mindful about having the right chargers. Some people might just choose to buy new chargers when they get to the other country, but you can save yourself some of the hassle if you buy them, or make sure your current chargers are compatible with the outlets in the country you’re studying abroad in, before you leave. I was lucky because Japan has very similar outlets to the ones in the U.S.
Number two, appropriate clothing.
When I came to Japan, I packed very lightly because I figured I wouldn’t need as many clothes since I would have a school uniform and would barely be going out. So, I brought an entire suitcase full of pajamas. Now, you probably won’t make the same mistake as I did, but just in case you’re planning on only bringing pajamas when studying abroad, don’t. Bring clothes for warm and cold weather, as well as clothes for staying in and going out. Don’t pack your entire closet but have some variety so you don't have to buy a whole new wardrobe.
Number three, skincare.
This might not apply to you, but if you have skincare that you use, you might want to bring some of that with you, at least enough so that it lasts you the first couple weeks. Japan is known for its great skincare, so I was planning on buying some new products here. Big mistake. I broke out so badly I wanted to cry. Thankfully, my skin has since gotten used to the new products I’m using here, but make sure the same thing doesn’t happen to you and bring the skincare you used back at home. I must warn you though, the different water pH and mineral content might make you break out, even if you stick to the skincare you had back home.
Number four, something that reminds you of home.
It can literally be anything. A decoration you had in your room, stuffed animal, or a Google Nest Mini. When I was packing to come to Japan, I packed my Google Nest Mini. Now, that sounds really random, and I honestly don’t know what inclined me to even do so, but I’m glad that I did. Back in the states, my house was littered with them, one in the kitchen, one in my bedroom, one in the hallway, and we even had one in the bathroom. Just having one has reminded me so much of home and has helped me get over some of my home sickness.
Number 5, a little gift for your homestay.
I was able to immediately bond with my host family over the gifts I got them. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive or fancy, just something that relates to you. I got my host family cookies I bought in Italy (I’m half Italian), and they loved them so much. I was able to have a conversation with my host family about the cookies and it made the transition of living with them so much easier.
Now, when packing, you don’t have to do exactly as I say. Just keep these five points in mind when you start packing your suitcase. I’m sure your experience studying abroad with CIEE will be just as great as mine is. I hope you have the best time!
If you are interested in studying abroad during high school, you can apply here or you can schedule a call with an Enrollment Coordinator to start planning.
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