Comedor Zarigueyas

Programs for this blog post

Leadership & Service in Youth Development

Authored By:

Josie M.

Throughout the last several weeks of service, students have been exposed to various community organizations that provide nutrition to communities in Merida. On Monday, students visited a community in Merida where a group of mothers is working together to provide nutritious meals to children. The mothers use creative problem-solving to utilize scarce resources to meet community needs. 

Service and Leadership students assisted in preparing the food, serving the children, and cleaning up. While dining, our students practiced their Spanish and conversed with the children about the summer vacations, and preferred activities and community life. Students then accompanied the children to a local park and played with them. Each student was able to pair with a child to make them feel seen. 

Before our visit, students engaged in a discussion about various service environments and the importance of taking initiative when organizations are less accustomed to receiving large volunteer groups. Students generated incredible ideas for engagement and were able to put those ideas into practice during our services. 

Students were encouraged to support Comedor Zariguyeas on their social media platforms (Comedor Zariguyeas on Facebook and Instagram) to stay abreast on how this organization develops as they increase their capacity to support child nutrition within their community.