
Gap Year Abroad Blog

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Laissez-les vivre: A story about talking plates

By Nicole B.

The unwashed espresso cup sits next to the machine for hours. It goes through three transitions, I've noticed: white, then off-white and then finally, brown. This cup sits untouched from... keep reading

I Wrote This In The Moment

By Nicole B.

"Where's your favorite place to be?", Francis asked. [Three weeks Later] There's something fascinating about looking outside the window during long train rides. It's the thrill of expectation about a... keep reading

Sun in our hair, in our eyes, on our skin: a blissful week in the Sun

By Nicole B.

I prayed for the Sun and the Sun came. It came every single morning. It comes at 7:30 am, it's golden hue waking the city from its slumber. In the... keep reading

I Spent a Day in Giverny!

By Oliver H.

I have been living in Paris for almost two months now, and I have seen many museums, cathedrals, and more that are all fantastically captivating as well as beautiful. However... keep reading

Call me Princess Kira

By Kira F.

I love Paris, but I have decided to move. I’ll be packing my things this week and heading to my new home: Le château de Versailles. It's fitting for me... keep reading

Welcome, Moses!!!

By Kira F.

IT’S A BOY! On February 8, 2016 the CIEE Gap Year¨Program welcomed their new little miracle: Moses Milchberg. He weighed over 100 lbs and measured at a whopping six feet... keep reading

Le Brunch du Dimanche

By Kira F.

The French have mastered the art of “Sunday Brunch”. You can feel your life improving with every bite of fresh airy croissant and each sip of café au lait or... keep reading

Crêpes? Fancy Pancakes?

By Kira F.

Happy National Crêpe Day! It is an incredibly simple dish: some flour, eggs, milk, butter and you are set. Every French person and their mother gets together and celebrates this... keep reading

Foie Gras

By Kira F.

Foie Gras. It's controversial. It looks gross. It's delicious. This weekend I did the Frenchest thing I have done to date and I learned how to make it! I gathered... keep reading


By Kira F.

When I say that this past weekend was life changing, I mean it. I, the girl from Georgia, got to experience real fluffy/pure/fresh/freezing snow. As stupid as this sounds, my... keep reading


By Kira F.

What does one think when their is no time to think, only time to find safety. What can one do when they know that around them there are people who... keep reading

Three weeks

By Kira F.

Three weeks. That’s how long they said it would take to feel the transition from my life back home to my life in a new and exciting city. Three weeks... keep reading

First Weekend

By Kira F.

Coucou!** I have officially been in France for over a week, but in reality it feels like I have only just arrived. Despite being a newbie, I don’t feel like... keep reading

Meet the Fam

By Kira F.

Bonjour! I have been here almost one week! I would write tomorrow when it is officially a week, but I will actually be traveling for my first weekend living in... keep reading


By Kira F.

DISCLAIMER: I'll publish a "first few days" post soon, but first I want to write about packing. This is just for the people like me who spent way too much... keep reading