Feliz Año Nuevo!!

Authored By:

Kate M.

Happy New Year everyone!! I am halfway through my study abroad adventure in Spain. The last four months have flown by and it is crazy to think that I have only four months left. Life is speeding by.

Speaking of things passing quickly, the holidays came and went in the blink of an eye. This year I spent Christmas in Spain with my host family. I found that some of the Spanish traditions are similar to the American ones, for instance my host family and I got together with relatives for dinner on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Time was spent talking, singing Spanish Christmas carols, and enjoying the atmosphere. However, there are also a number of traditions that are different.

First off, the holidays kicked off on the 22nd of December with the Spanish Christmas Lottery. It is popular to buy a lottery ticket (maybe even two or three) for you, or as a gift to someone else. On the 22nd, the Lottery is filmed on national television, and little children sing/chant the numbers out to the anxiously waiting crowd. It’s different to see that the lottery is such an important event here. Schools even close so that everyone can watch the event at home.

Secondly, Christmas Day was a bit different than what I’m used to. Here in Spain, Christmas Day is not when families usually open gifts, contrary to the American tradition. Santa Claus is not as popular here either. Thus, the 25th of December is more of a religious date. Families and children give/receive gifts on the 6th of January, known as Three Kings Day. Called the ‘Día de los Reyes Magos’, towns around the country have parades on the 5th of January to welcome the 3 Kings into their town. This resembles when the 3 Kings arrived in Bethlehem to meet baby Jesus. Then on the 6th, children open their gifts from the Kings. Unfortunately though, the kids can’t play with their new toys for too long, because the 7th of January is the start of school again.

Overall, I enjoyed sitting back and being a spectator over the holiday. I got to see a different culture celebrate a holiday that is recognized all over the world. Unfortunately, I was not in Sevilla during the Día de Los Reyes Magos, but I was in Málaga, and got the chance to watch their parade.

The first King arrives

The second King arrives
My personal favorite was the elephant
Last but not least, the third King


Of course New Year’s is in between Christmas and the Día de Los Reyes, and Spaniards have their traditions for this holiday as well. On New Year’s Eve, when the clock strikes 12, everyone eats 12 grapes (one grape for each chime of the bell). After about the fourth or fifth grape, everyone looks like a chipmunk. ☺ But ‘no pasa nada’, right? A nice glass of champagne to wash down the grapes does just the trick. ☺ I spent the New Year’s celebration with my real family, who came over to visit me over the holidays. It was great to end one year with them and start the next. Welcome 2015!!!!