Student Traveler

Zoe S.

Berlin, Germany
Hometown: Leesburg, Virginia

Hi, I'm Zoe! 

I'm finishing my Senior year and am thrilled to have the opportunity to study in Germany with CBYX. I've spent my whole life dreaming of studying abroad and am so excited to make the most of this exchange year. If you're reading this, there's a good chance you're interested in the global perspective. Hopefully, I can share a bit of my own global perspective with you while discovering more about German culture and international exchange. 

Ciao-ciao for now, 

Zoe S.


Preparing for a Year in Germany: A Checklist

By Zoe S.

Hallo, ich bin Zoe! I am writing this about two weeks until I board the plane to Germany, my new home for the next year. My life has become a... keep reading

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