Rachael Claxton
Rachael's Program
Backstage at the National Theatre!
The week has been a whirlwind! This past Saturday, we headed to the beautiful sunny Southbank towards the National Theatre. Opened in 1976, the National Theatre is comprised of 3... keep reading
Markets Galore!
Among the many things that London is famous for is it's plethora of street markets. Over the past week we have explored four of them, each with their own distinct... keep reading
Learning In London - Student Guest Blogger, Talia Rodriques
By Talia Rodriques Student, HSSA Global Navigators, Theatre Arts Behind the Scenes First lesson learned in London: Time (and people) move fast! Even though I stepped off the plane only... keep reading
Exploring London - Oh the Sites You'll See!
Continuing our first week in London, we soldiered on through the *sunny (read: rainy) British summer! Most mornings, the students spent their time in class with their two theatre teachers... keep reading