Khaddija Jobe
Recent college graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in English!
Hurricane Valley Farm and Coffee By Design: Socially Conscious Businesses
Today, the students visited the Hurricane Valley Farm in Falmouth. They were hosted by Cultivating Community, an organization that teaches, educates and empowers newly arrived migrants in Maine through sustainable... keep reading
Boston: A Trip to the City Upon a Hill!
Written by Arturs Danga from Latvia: While it seems that the count of days has become highly irrelevant, this particular day many of us had been looking forward to for... keep reading
Portland Sea Dogs Presentations: Attracting Millennials
Yesterday, after days of research and working to come up with ideas on how to help the Sea Dogs attract more millennials to games, the Global Navigators presented their ideas... keep reading
Sea Dogs Biscuits, Dance Cams and Slugger!
Written by Viktoria Ishkina from Estonia: July 11th, the 4th day of BAFF Leadership Academy, was the day we were assigned to develop our first project during the program for... keep reading
Kalvis' Time in Portland
It is already Friday, 28th of July and this means that our “Leadership camp 2018” is coming to the end. These three weeks here in Portland have passed really fast... keep reading
The End of a Project and the Start of a New Journey
As we approach our final days with the BAFF students, we decided that a simple blog post will not be able to fully capture their last few days. We have... keep reading
Tri for a Cure: BAFF Students Volunteer for a Cure
This week we have the pleasure of hearing about the Tri for a Cure event where the students volunteered over the weekend through the perspective of one of the students... keep reading
Biddeford's Pepperell Mill
Today, the students started their day with a guest speaker, Gabrielle Melchionda, who is the CEO and founder of Mad Gabs. Mad Gabs is a local company here in Maine... keep reading
Bradbury Mountain and Target Trip
On Sunday, the students hiked one of the trails at Bradbury Mountain and had the chance to visit Target for their first time. Once the students reached the summit, they... keep reading
SeaDogs Project / SeaDogs Game!
On Wednesday, the BAFF students were introduced to their first project in the program, the SeaDogs Project. The SeaDogs are a local minor league baseball team here in Portland, Maine... keep reading