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Karen Masters

January in Monteverde Open Campus Block Summer Tropical Ecology + Conservation Tropical Ecology + Conservation Sustainability + the Environment Summer Sustainability + The Environment Costa Rica

Karen is a tropical ecologist who has 30+ years working and living in the cloud forests of Costa Rica. She and her husband (Alan Masters) met and married in Monteverde, Costa Rica and raised their sons (twins) here as well. Karen is the director of the CIEE programs in Monteverde.



Sustainability and the Environment: "The Road into the Lowlands"

By Karen Masters at CIEE

Let's go back in time for a bit, into the last few weeks of April, 2016. The adventurers were halfway through their second field trip; having fled the old pirate... keep reading


Sustainability and the Environment: "When a Migrant, Do as the Migrants Do"

By Karen Masters at CIEE

Anytime that you ind yourself in Nicaragua, you should be doing as the Nicaraguans do. By this I mean: you should be exploring the many different methods of trying to... keep reading


Sustainability and the Environment: "We were in Nicaragua a while back..."

By Karen Masters at CIEE

Hello old friends; it's been a while, hasn't it? That's because these adventurers have been out on a two-week field trip up and down the Caribbean coast, into Nicaragua, along... keep reading


Sustainability and the Environment: "Life is a Coffee Farm"

By Karen Masters at CIEE

Ever since Saturday, the adventurers had been mulling over the things they'd learned on Livestock Day, intent on sorting it all out and making sense of the conflicting notions they'd... keep reading


Sustainability and the Environment: "Livestock Comes ALIVE!"

By Karen Masters at CIEE

April 9th, 2016, was a Saturday. It was also Livestock Day; probably not wherever you were, but here in Monteverde in the Sustainability program, it totally was. If you're wondering... keep reading


Sustainability and the Environment: "You Are a Tourist"

By Karen Masters at CIEE

I bet you're going, "Whoa, hey, what happened? Did these adventurers fall into a hole and vanish or something?" Well just calm down, it's going to be fine. The adventurers... keep reading


Sustainability and the Environment: "Long Road Home"

By Karen Masters at CIEE

The adventurers had been on a journey. For many days, they had been out into the wilds; the dry plains in the shadow of the volcano; the mysterious island in... keep reading


Sustainability and the Environment: "Not Too Young to Dye"

By Karen Masters at CIEE

Finally back on the mainland of Central America, the adventurers found themselves once again cruising through the beautiful mountains and valleys of Costa Rica. Their destination was a cool place... keep reading


Sustainability and the Environment: "The Mysterious Island"

By Karen Masters at CIEE

Once they'd learned everything they could from the power plants and the volcanos on the mainland, the adventurers knew that their education would not be complete until they left their... keep reading


Sustainability and the Environment: "A Postcard from the Volcano"

By Karen Masters at CIEE

Under the gold of the opulent sun, and in the shadow of the volcano, the adventurers awoke in the heart of their first field trip. They had gone through Tiliran... keep reading

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