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CIEE Staff

Jorge García González

High School Abroad in Spain Madrid, Spain
Hometown: Madrid, Spain.

My name is Jorge García and I was born in the beautiful city of Madrid, where I grew up and received a bachelor's degree in Journalism at the Universidad San Pablo CEU. I also have a Community Manager Master's degree by the Fundación UNED and an Advanced Course in Communication and Multimedia Technology taught by the Instituto de Estudios Superiores (IES).

Very soon I started to work in the media for more than 15 years, in areas as different as Energy, Theater, News, Internet and Human Resources. Since 2018, I changed the direction of my life's work and joined the great CIEE family, where I'm the Program Coordinator of the High School and GAP Year department... and I'm glad to be part of it. 

I am a cheerful, extroverted and very social person, always with a smile on the face and willing to help our students with their daily concerns. I really like the idea of being the person who can help our students to solve their doubts, so their stay in Madrid will be as pleasant and productive as possible.

I still remember when I spent two summers studying in Bournemouth, on the south coast of England. That wonderful study abroad experience provided my basic English skills, and helped me to mature as a person. Without a doubt an unforgettable experience in my life... and I hope it will be equally productive for all the students who will come to visit us very soon.



Christmas already come to Madrid

By Jorge García González at CIEE

December in Madrid smells like Christmas. The cold is already felt in the streets, the Christmas lights illuminate the city and the markets decorate the squares. The illusion of young... keep reading


Host Families Meeting

By Jorge García González at CIEE

September has arrived on our calendars and also at CIEE. September is the month in which we receive a new High School Abroad (HSA) group. On this occasion, five adventurers... keep reading


Time to say Goodbye

By Jorge García González at CIEE

After months of living away from home, away from their familiar surroundings, our High School Abroad students have said goodbye to their families and friends in Madrid. Left behind the... keep reading

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