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HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders



Reflexive Essay- Christina

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

When an outsider thinks about K-pop, Gangnam Style is usually the first thing that comes to mind. A quirky, flamboyant, and overall strange song. These are the characteristics they use... keep reading


"Life was meant for good friends & great adventures" - A Letter From Your Program Leader

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

"Life was meant for good friends & great adventures." The past three weeks in Spain have been full of good friends and great adventures. It's funny now, three weeks later... keep reading


Reflexive Essay

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Michelle Yang K-pop Immersion Dr. Saeji 7-28-17 These past three weeks has been very eventful, from daily Kpop classes to adventures to the Seoul area. Throughout these weeks, I have... keep reading


Reflexive essay

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Before I came to Korea I thought I already knew a fairly large amount in not only kpop but Korean history as well. But just on the first day of... keep reading


Week Three Cultural Activity Recap!

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Hola! This week the Global Navigators have been busy wrapping up the end of their program. We can't believe how fast these three weeks have flown by. Here are some... keep reading


CIEE Kpop Immersion Study Abroad Trip

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Kacey Dargout CIEE Kpop Immersion Study Abroad Trip 7-28-2017 Throughout this study abroad program, I have been able to learn so much about Korea and its various aspects in such... keep reading


My reflective essay

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Emily Flores Dr.Saeji Friday, July 28 K-pop is a complex topic because of how much it's affected by different factors such as the Korean culture,Korean values, the amount of modernization... keep reading


Reflexive Essay: Traditional Instruments in Kpop

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Traditional Instruments In Kpop Today in modern Korean popular music traditional instruments are used to enhance the feel of the music to the listener. However, most of the time the... keep reading


Farewell from Dublin

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

As we prepare to begin our journey home tomorrow, we wanted to share a short recap of our adventures in Ireland this summer, courtesy of one of our students, Morgan... keep reading


Ferrara - Performing and Visual Art Activities

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Wooddynne and Amirah with our Renaissance dance instructor Michele Michelini from the contrada di San Paolo. Students practicing the bassa danza. Angela Lavecchia, Constance Richardson, Teresa Picarazzi, David Seward Ferrara... keep reading