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High School Semester Abroad

High School Abroad in Denmark High School Abroad in Spain High School Abroad in Japan High School Abroad in Ireland High School Abroad in France High School Abroad in Italy High School Abroad in Germany



October Parent Newsletter

By High School Semester Abroad at CIEE

Welcome to our 2nd bi-monthly pre-departure Parent Newsletter in which we will make sure all key logistical information provided to participants through their online course is also available to parents... keep reading


High School Semester Checklist

By High School Semester Abroad at CIEE

Visas: Does your participant already have a visa appointment (if applicable)? Instructions for getting a visa are available in your participant’s CIEE My Account. Visa appointments fill up quickly, so... keep reading


Host Family Placements

By High School Semester Abroad at CIEE

Host family placement information will be sent to participants and parents/guardians as soon as placements are finalized. Placements are usually finalized the month of departure. CIEE provides homestay experiences to... keep reading


Know Before You Go

By High School Semester Abroad at CIEE

Let’s dive a bit deeper into the “Connection” section of their course and then talk more about culture shock and cultural differences. In the Connection module of Canvas, participants will... keep reading


International Food Festival

By High School Semester Abroad at CIEE

For those students who joined our high school exchange program in Zhengzhou, China, it is not just an opportunity for them to know more about Chinese culture, but they could... keep reading


Q+A with Global Navigator Josie M.

By High School Semester Abroad at CIEE

Josie M. spent a summer abroad with CIEE in Valparaiso, and is now studying for a year with us in Chile, thanks to the North Carolina DeNoyelles Scholarship. Read all... keep reading

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