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Dr. Alan Masters

STEM Academic Director Costa Rica
Hometown: Monteverde, Costa Rica

Since 1993, I've been director of CIEE’s Tropical Ecology and Conservation summer study abroad program. While originally a lepidopterist, I've studied over 22 species of mimetic butterflies in Monteverde: what makes them taste bad and what that means to predation risk. Since teaching with CIEE, my interests include not only plant-animal interactions but all facets of tropical diversity and conservation.

I have an M.S. and Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Florida and a B.S. from Illinois State University. I've lived in Monteverde for over 20 years.



Questions of science, science and progress

By Dr. Alan Masters at CIEE

Part of our experience in Monteverde consist on independent projects that we develop during our home stays...the best part of it? It's totally ours! With our professors help we think... keep reading


Science matters

By Dr. Alan Masters at CIEE

"The good thing about SCIENCE is that it's true whether or not you believe in it". Neil deGrasse Tyson. Here our students making science, learning about color and textures of... keep reading


The Pacific II

By Dr. Alan Masters at CIEE

This is Puma of the biggest cats that you can find in Costa Rica, known as "Leon de montaña"(Mountain lion) as costaricans call them this young puma was a... keep reading


The Pacific

By Dr. Alan Masters at CIEE

Ok well we enjoy San José, but it was time to see what we want it to see: N A T U R E! So we start our journey, we... keep reading


San Jose part II...chansing ticos

By Dr. Alan Masters at CIEE

In our second day we had Humans in the tropics class. Gisella(our instructor) introduced to us the relationship between humanity and nature, and how we do impact ecosystems. Trusting in... keep reading


San José....oh San José!

By Dr. Alan Masters at CIEE

After long hours of flights, some snowstorms and crazy costarican traffic we got to sleep for some hours..our first night in Costa Rica! The next morning the sixteen of us... keep reading


Hiking, studying, nap..hiking, studying, snorkeling, nap....and repeat!!!

By Dr. Alan Masters at CIEE

How's studying abroad with CIEE? Rebecca's video(former student of Fall 2016) describe in 15 minutes her experience with the program Tropical Ecology and Conservation. A semester full of wilderness, snorkeling... keep reading

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