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College Study Abroad Ambassador



Take Advantage of Study Abroad By Saying "Yes"

By College Study Abroad Ambassador at CIEE

By Emma Da Silva For most people, you are only abroad for a few months. Only a certain amount of time for new friends, experiences, and exploring. You have to... keep reading


Hidden Gems in Sevilla

By College Study Abroad Ambassador at CIEE

By Emma Da Silva After studying abroad in Seville for the last four months, I’ve come across a few hidden gems. When staying in a city for that long, you... keep reading


Four Places to Visit While Studying Abroad in Rome

By College Study Abroad Ambassador at CIEE

By Trynity Scott I absolutely adored studying abroad in Rome. It has so much history and things to see and do. You can learn something from every piece of ruins... keep reading


A Day in the Life of a Study Abroad Student in London

By College Study Abroad Ambassador at CIEE

By Trynity Scott Good morning from London! I’ve gotten down a pretty good routine after being in London for two weeks already. I start my mornings around 7:00 am as... keep reading


Why You Should Pick CIEE for Study Abroad in Barcelona

By College Study Abroad Ambassador at CIEE

By Meah Matherne The people make the place, and the same goes for the study abroad program makes the study abroad experience. Picking CIEE as my study abroad program was... keep reading


Why I Chose to Study Abroad in Paris

By College Study Abroad Ambassador at CIEE

By: Lia Nickson When choosing where to go for your study abroad program it can be a really difficult decision. There are so many different factors for choosing a place... keep reading


Favorite restaurants in Paris

By College Study Abroad Ambassador at CIEE

By: Lia Nickson Paris is known for its amazing food with more than forty-four thousand restaurants throughout the city. While my time in Paris did not allow me to impossibly... keep reading


Finding Peace in Berlin: Hidden Sanctuaries

By College Study Abroad Ambassador at CIEE

By: Rachel Fischler Berlin is so beautiful for its calm, including millions of different people from all walks of life, forming a beautiful weave of color and creativity. In this... keep reading


Financial Tips for a Semester in Paris

By College Study Abroad Ambassador at CIEE

By: Lia Nickson Spending a semester abroad in Paris has been by far one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The city has infinite experiences to offer and... keep reading


Solo Traveling to Malta

By College Study Abroad Ambassador at CIEE

By: Aria Wozniak One of the best parts about study abroad is the opportunity to easily (and affordably) travel to nearby countries. By the end of the program, I will... keep reading