Arielle Martins
Arielle's Program
Hi, everyone!
My name is Arielle, and I am thrilled to be a Program Leader for Session II of Prague's Creative Arts Studio. I am a high school math teacher from Hartford, CT, but originally I was a language student. I studied Spanish and Russian for about ten years, which led me to study abroad in Saint Petersburg, Russia and to teach abroad for a year in Honduras. In my free time, I love reading, hiking, and playing with my cat, Millie. I also have an incurable penchant for riddles and puns.
For me, travel is an essential process of discovering the world and discovering yourself. Only when we push ourselves out of our comfort zones are we truly learning and growing. I hope you enjoy reading about our journey this summer in Prague!
"Arielle, I have a bone to pick with CIEE. They did not disclose how hard it would be to leave." -Libby On our last night in Prague, we headed out... keep reading
Soaking It All In
There is a palpable sense of urgency within the group as the end of our trip looms near. How do we fit in everything we want to do? How do... keep reading
There's Brno Place Like Home
This weekend, the Dream Team shipped off (more literally, trained off) to the the Czech Republic's second largest city, Brno, for an overnight field trip. Our first itinerary item was... keep reading
Make No Bones About It
...our first day trip outside the city was quite an adventure! We took a private van to a city named Kutna Hora, a small town made prosperous hundreds of years... keep reading
Hello from Prague!
Due to some wild weather on Saturday, we weren't sure what our journey would look like! Newark was busier than ever, as flights were being grounded, delayed, or canceled altogether... keep reading