Renato 16M Brazil

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

I like pets, I like sports, I like going out with my friends, I like talking to my parents and my friends, I have a sister, I have a dog, we live with 4 people, I like to eat out , traveling, and playing video games, I like watching NBA games and soccer games, I love making people laugh



  • Basketball
  • Video games
  • Soccer
  • Travel
  • Pets


Host Family Letter:

Hi Host Family,

My name is Renato, I'm 16 years old, and I live with my parents, my sister, and our dog, creating a really cozy place. At home, we enjoy spending time together, going out to eat, and doing various cool things. I also have a bunch of friends, and we always get together to play sports, go out to eat, or just hang out.

In school, I manage my studies and always do my homework. In my free time, I like playing video games, basketball, soccer, and I'm hooked on watching movies, series, football championships, and NBA games.

I decided to give the exchange program a shot because I'm fascinated by American culture, and the idea of getting to know a new country, improving my English, and making new friends really excites me. I think this experience will help me grow, and I'm eager to share my experiences with different people.

It's the first time I'll be away from home for such a long time, and I'm super excited to take on this challenge. I can't wait to share many things with you. Thanks for reading my letter, and I hope to see you soon!

Best regards,


Parent Letter:

Hello, my name is Patricia. I am married to José Antonio, and we have 2 children, Renato, who is 16 years old, and Rafaela, who is 13. We live together in Brazil. We also have a little dog named Jully. We enjoy traveling, going out for dinner, and spending time at home together.

On weekends, we always stay together, either at relatives' houses or by hosting family or friends at our place. During weekdays, the children wake up early for school, and in the afternoon, Renato has English and basketball classes. On days with classes, he can't stay up late.

At home, I try to maintain order by asking the children to organize their rooms and take care of their things. We always have conversations about various topics and try to solve day-to-day problems.

Renato enjoys spending a lot of time playing video games and watching movies. During the day, when there are no activities, he likes to go out to play soccer and swim in the pool with friends.

In the evenings, he usually doesn't go out unless there is a birthday party or specific event. He always comes back before midnight, and I'm usually the one who takes him and picks him up.

Our family is very happy with the opportunity that Renato is having, and we are available to help and assist in any way we can. Our goal is for this exchange to be a success and a turning point in our son's life.

Thank you in advance,
