Quentin 17M France

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

My name is Quentin, a young professional with a consistently positive temperament. As a calm and sociable teenager, I strike a balance between my professional commitments and moments of relaxation. My favorite pastime is motocross. Beyond these passions, I cultivate a certain talent in cooking., I find a balance between my responsibilities, leisure activities, and moments of camaraderie, thereby creating a rich and harmonious tapestry that shapes my daily existence.


  • Motorcross
  • Cooking
  • Auto Mechanics
  • Soccer
  • Skiing

Host Family Letter:

Dear host family,

My name is Quentin, and I reside in the south of France. Currently, my life is divided between my parents in joint custody, including the presence of my brother. I am a fulfilled teenager, and a significant part of my joy comes from the harmonious dynamics between my parents and stepparents. Their cooperation contributes significantly to my happiness.

My life is punctuated with various activities that enrich me daily. For the past ten years, I have been practicing motocross and proudly belong to an exciting club. Additionally, I have a passion for cycling and skiing, two activities that allow me to explore new landscapes and immerse myself in different cultures. I have had the opportunity to visit Italy, Spain,and the west coast of the United States. My experience in the USA was particularly impactful, reinforcing my desire to live this adventure.

On the academic front, my recent change of high school has significantly contributed to my academic fulfillment. I am fortunate to have attentive teachers, and my favorite subject is management.

Beyond the cultural aspect and discovery, my motivation to join a school exchange in the USA is centered around mastering English, essential for my higher education in international business. The idea of actively participating in your family life excites me.

I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read my letter, and I hope to have the opportunity to share this enriching experience with your family.

Best regards

Parent Letter:

Dear host family,

We are Quentin's parents, and we wanted to share some aspects of our son's life with you so that you can get to know him better before his stay with you. Quentin lives in joint custody, spending one week with me, his mom, and another week with his dad. Our agreement, established seven years ago after our separation, allows Quentin to live harmoniously within two blended families. Although we have a set schedule, Quentin and his brother have the freedom to choose where they want to stay, especially during important family occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, Easter, or planned family outings.

With his dad, Quentin shares a passion for sports and motocross. On our side, with me and his stepfather, shared moments focus more on school follow-up, daily conversations, and laughter. Quentin is independent, orderly, and attentive to cleanliness. Additionally, he enjoys cooking and excels in preparing pasta carbonara and meat dishes.

Regarding family rules, we are open parents where trust plays a central role. Children have the right to do what they want as long as their schoolwork is completed, their attitude is respectful, and they inform us about their activities, whereabouts, and return times. Quentin's schooling project is a personal initiative, and we fully support him in this endeavor.

We sincerely thank you for your commitment as a host family. 

Warm regards