Maximilian 16M Germany

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

I am a kind, communicative, curious and open-minded person who likes to spend time with family and friends. I like to laugh and people say that I always look at the positive side of life. I love getting to know different people and I love sports. It would be great if I could learn and practice other sports in the US. I am involved in the school community and in training to become a first aider. I look forward to having a great time with my host family and to doing different things with them.


  • Bicycling
  • Skiing
  • Travel
  • Hiking
  • Sailing

Host Family Letter:

Dear host family! My name is Max, I am 15 years old. I am super excited to have this great opportunity to spend a year in the US, meet new people and make many new experiences. That is my day to day life: I usually get up at 6 am to get ready for school. If there is enough time, I have breakfast with my family. I go to school by train with some of my friends. At lunch time we either eat in the school cafeteria, where I sometimes help in the kitchen, or we have a salad or a pizza in town. We have school in the afternoon 3 days of the week and I have sometimes in addition a first aider medical training. When I come home from school I do my homework, learn for tests or I do some sports. Once a week I am tutoring. If there is time I meet with friends or we play online games. In the evening I have dinner with my family. At the week-end I often see friends. In winter we do ski trips, in summer we go biking or hiking and do water sports. I find it easy to get to know new people because of my friendly, open-minded and communicative personality. I am always very happy to spend time with others and it is important to me that they are doing well. Others say I am a sporty, kind and very positive person who tries to make every situation a positive one and who laughs a lot. They also say that I am independent, trustworthy and can take responsibility. I look very much forward to meeting you, to having a wonderful exchange and sharing time and new experiences with you. Thank you so much!

Parent Letter:

Dear host family, we are very happy and grateful that you are taking Max into your home. Our family: Max' mother works as a consultant and is engaged in the school community. His father is Dutch and works as an engineer. His brother is 13 years old and sings in a famous choir that often performs. We love to travel and often visit family and friends in the Netherlands and France. We value spending time together. For example, it is important for us to eat together and talk about the events of the day. We love doing different sports together, such as riding road bikes or hiking. We want our children to help out around the house and take responsibility for their room. 

Max is diligent about homework, even if sometimes he does it late in the evening. He gets up at 6 am for school. Often that is too early for him to have breakfast. If there is a difficult situation, Max talks to us about it and we discuss different solutions so that he can decide what he wants to do. In disappointing situations, Max is sad, but after a short time he always comes to terms and sees something good about the situation. Max is very reliable if we agree on a time being at home. If he is later for any reason, he calls. Max is a warm and positive person and he looks forward to living with his host family.


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