Martina 16F Italy

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

Dear host family, My name is Martina. My day starts early with school and tennis, a passion of mine. I love traveling and sharing experiences with friends and family. I'm a sociable and cheerful girl, fond of humor but also aware of my flaws. I study diligently to give my best in the United States and pursue my dream of becoming a doctor or lawyer. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I hope to share this extraordinary experience with you. Best regards.


  • Tennis
  • Travel
  • Concerts
  • Movies
  • Pop Music

Host Family Letter:

Dear host family, my name is Martina. I'm 16 years old, and I come from Italy. Growing up on the island has taught me the importance of family and friends, whom I consider precious treasures. After reflecting on my life, I've decided to embark on a new adventure in the United States. During the challenging period of my parents' divorce, my two brothers, Matteo and Davide, were my support. This experience has contributed to shaping the person I am today. Despite the challenges, I've learned to be resiliently positive. My day starts early with school and tennis, a passion of mine. I play tennis competitively, training three times a week and participating in both individual and club team tournaments. I love traveling and sharing experiences with friends and family. Recently, I visited Barcelona with my father and had an exciting tour of Germany, France, and Switzerland with my mother. I'm a sociable and cheerful girl, fond of humor but also aware of my flaws. I study diligently to give my best in the United States and pursue my dream of becoming a doctor or lawyer. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I hope to share this extraordinary experience with you.

Best regards. Martina

Parent Letter:

Dear Future Host family, my name is Stefania and I am Martina's mother. I am very happy that my daughter can live this experience in the United States and I am absolutely certain that she will experience a very important period of growth in her life. Spending almost a year in a new family, in a new school and in a wonderful country like yours is also a great challenge and a test of courage. It's not easy to leave your home and your loved ones for almost a year,but Martina, although still young, is very enthusiastic and can't wait to meet you.

Martina is a sociable, determined and ambitious girl. She likes studying because she wants to be able to end the school year with a high average. She plays tennis and she loves going out with friends and taking long walks on our beautiful beaches.Both I and Martina's fathe, from whom I have been separated for about two years, have never hindered our children's choices, even if this meant seeing them go far. Of course, Martina might also experience moments of nostalgia, but her spirit of adaptation and your support will be a precious help.If they were to ask me what type of family I would like for Martina, I would answer like this: a family or a person who can truly love her as if she were her daughter. You will spend a long time together and I hope that she will be unforgettable for everyone. Thank you very much for the wonderful opportunity you are offering Martina: you will make her happy and she will be able to realize a dream of hers.