Mariana 17F Brazil

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

I'm a very social person I love to talk, I think that's my biggest strength. I'm very intense, when I'm happy I'm really happy, when I'm sad I'm literally sad. I love being with people around me, I hate being alone. My biggest passion is dancing, so you will always see me dancing, anywhere.  While in the program, I'd like to join the varsity cheerleader team. I can't wait to make cookies for Christmas and be invited to the dance.


  • Dance- Ballet
  • Dance- Modern Jazz
  • Watching Soccer
  • Acting (Drama/Theater)
  • Volleyball

Host Family Letter:

Dear Host Family,

I'm a person who loves discovering new things, that's why I'm always taking courses, I've done swimming and theater, today I'm taking four extracurricular courses. I go to school in the morning, Monday I have ballet and jazz class, Tuesday after school I have English course, Wednesday I have another ballet class and Thursday another English class. On fridays and saturdays i like to take time off to have fun, i like to go out with my friends. Because of my super hectic routine, I'm almost never at home, and on the one hand I love my hectic routine. 

I'm a person of loose laughter, I'm always laughing at something, no matter how silly it is, so I don't need a lot to have fun. But one of the things I love to do most when I'm bored is listening to music and dancing madly in my room. I like to go shopping with my friends. I don't really like taking pictures of myself, but I love taking pictures of the sky and special moments.  

Maybe what makes me unique is the way I see the world. Many think that to live is to be born, grow, reproduce and die. For me to live is to experience each moment as if it were the last, to live the moment with all intensity, and to allow yourself to feel. 
I think that my friends and family, when describing me, would say that I am very intense, and that this can often be difficult to deal with, that I am always there for whatever it takes and come, and even if I'm complaining I'll never let them down, that's up to any madness.


Parent Letter:

Dear Host Family,

Mariana is an incredible girl, super polite, communicative, cheerful and very loyal. She is very organized, where she arrives she wants to organize things, by color and size. Very determined, helpful and doesn't like delays, she is very punctual with her appointments. She is very anxious and a perfectionist, and that's what I try to work with her, so that she doesn't cover herself so much. Her passion is dancing, she dances anywhere, at the supermarket, at the pharmacy, at the mall, she also likes to listen to music. She likes to stay on her cell phone and prefers to read books on screen, she doesn't like the physical book. She is a very quiet girl, very homely and likes to walk around the mall and go to the movies with her friends. Mariana is very responsible and charming. I love her very much and these months that she is away, I miss my partner a lot.

-Mariana's Parents