Marco 16M Italy

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

I love smile at life even in bad moments. I am very friendly and available. I enjoy sport and I love practice it: I play basketball in the local team. In my free time I like hang out with my friends to go downtown. I also welcome to stay at home with my family and talk to them or sometimes go to the cinema.


  • Basketball
  • Football
  • Soccer
  • F1 Racing
  • Movies

Host Family Letter:

Dear Future Host Family,

my name is Marco,I am very excited to celebrate my 17th birthday in the USA.

I am very friendly and available. I am in 11th  grade of a technical secondary school. I am extremely passionate about sports. I play basketball on a competitive level:4 basketball practices per week and a game every Saturday. I follow American basketball NBA: my favorite team is GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS, Stephen Curry is my idol. I hope to see him play one day! Due to time difference, I watch the game highlights the morning after. I also like American football, I’m a BUFFALO BULLS fan. Thanks to my father I discovered scuba diving. I’ve been perusing diving courses since 2019 and have obtained 1°level PADI and 2°level SSI patents. In my free time I play basketball with my friends at the park or we go to the movies. 

With my family we travel, and have lunch at my grandma's every Sunday. My goal is finishing school and move to the US to live. I am fascinated with American culture. I love music, especially American music and the American approach to school sports where sports are fundamental. One thing that sets me apart is the ability to SMILE TO LIFE even during challenging times. I would love to transmit my positive energy and Italian culture to my host family. I can't wait to start this new adventure even though I will miss my family, but I know I can count on their support in order to have the best from this experience.

Thank you for the time you took to read my letter

I can't wait to meet you.


Parent Letter:

Dear Future Host Family,

Thank you for taking the time to read our letter and learn about our son Marco. We are excited for this amazing opportunity. Marco is friendly, open-minded and a true sports enthusiast. He is a big fan of F1 and basketball. He is a playmaker on the local basketball team. Should on opportunity arise to try-out for his future High School team, he will not miss it!

Hi is also enthusiastic about all things american. He listern to Drake, Kanye West and enjoys gaming NBA and F1. Marco is affectionable, has a wonderful relationship with his older brother and hopes he will have siblings in his host family. He is communicative and loves to share.

We are a close knit family and have big Sunday lunches at Grandma's - an appointment Marco looks forward to. We travel often and Marco has had the opportunity to try new foods, experiences and learn about new cultures and he has always done so with enthusiasm and open-mind.

He will have no problem adapting to his new life and culture.

Together with his father and brother, Marco often goes scuba diving and has recently gotten his SSI open water diver patent. Perhaps the one thing Marco looks most forward to is experiencing the American Highschool life. He is extremely friendly, kind, loving and all around a great kid! He has a lot of friends from all walks of life and easily gets along well with everyone.

His compassion and enthusiasm will indoubtedly make him a wonderful addition to his Future Host Family

With thanks