Luca 17M Belgium

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

I’m a sociable person, who adapts easily to new situations and who is open-minded. Those around me say I’m caring and responsible. I can be independent but i love sharing moments with others. I’m curious. I don’t have just one passion. I like to visit new places, movies, hiking, cooking. I practiced different sports but I’m open to all kind of other activities. Later, I would like to study international business. Living this experience with you will certainly be a bonus in my future life.


  • Travel
  • Cooking
  • Camping
  • Swimming
  • Movies

Host Family Letter:

Dear Host Family,

For several years, I wanted to do a school year in the USA. Not only to improve my English but especially to know the life of an American family. In addition to my growing motivation, I’m very sociable and optimistic. Sharing moments with you is something I look forward to. I’ve a family spirit. I wish participated to all kind of activities that a family normally does. I have already traveled a lot. These trips taught me to have an open mind. I’m a curious person. I like different food and music. I've practiced different activities: Boy Scouts, basketball, swimming, hiking, ski and different artistic activities. Now I do aikido, badminton, and I’m part of a youth center. With them, I do some cultural visits and social event. I can be also independent and capable of fending for myself. I can manage my schoolwork, participate in household chores, cook a meal, and stay alone. I adapt quite easily to new situations and I'm organized. I’m not afraid of change. At school my favorite subjects are literature, philosophy, and art. I’m the class representative for 3 years. I’m also part of the committee for the art festival and foreign student program. My goal is to be able to get involved in my new school and integrate as best possible with other.  I don’t ask for much, just live and participate in your life as a member of your family. If you have some children. I’m sure I’d be a great brother. During this year, I hope to live a maximum of new experiences with you.

Parent Letter:

Dear host family

We tried to educate Luca with some values. We taught him to have an open mind. Understand that there’re different ways of living and thinking. Don't be centered on himself. He adapts easily to new situations. That why he loves learning and discovering new things. In addition, he has a lot of humor and knows how to question himself if necessary. We taught him to respect others and behave appropriately in all circumstances. He never had any behavior problems at school or anywhere. He was never a difficult child. He has his personality, but he doesn’t impose it on others. With us he participates in different social projects. He’s a generous boy who is attentive to others. He hates injustice and verbal or physical violence.

We have a shoes store and sometimes we come home late. We have taught him to be independent when necessary. He doesn't get scared quickly. Even if he can be distracted sometimes, he’s quite organized and has a sense of initiative. If there’s a problem, he will look for a solution, alone or with you. He isn’t a passive person.

We believe he’s ready for this adventure. But we ask you something. We would like you to consider him as a member of your family and to introduce him to your life in an active and dynamic way. Even if Luca can be autonomous, his goal is to live some new experiences and sharing moments with you and his future friends. He has a great family spirit. It’s very important for him. 

Thanking you in anticipation and God bless you