Joaquim 16M Brazil

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

I am a funny, talkative and social person, I like to spend my free time in many different ways, such as: playing video games, watching motorsports, watching or playing soccer, learning about motorsports and soccer, learning Philosophy, learning Italian and hanging out with friends. In short, I like to learn/think a lot in my free time by doing some analysis of my own interests. For a future career I would like to do something related to Philosophy.



  • Video Games
  • Auto Mechanics
  • Painting/Drawing
  • Soccer
  • Philosophy


Host Family Letter:

Hi future hosts, I hope you are excited to meet me just as much as I am excited to meet you! I hope to learn a lot of things about US culture and lifestyle habits and at the same time adapt my habits to the country. I think I would be a great addition to your everyday life, lighting up the mood with jokes, helping with whatever is needed and teaching about my culture and my country while learning about the USA. 

My day to day life starts early, at 5:45am, when I get up and get ready for school, where I dedicate a good chunk of my time at. When school is over, I go home, because of past experiences that still have an effect on me to this day. By the time I get home, I like to get the week´s homework done to free up my time to learn about the things I like, such as motorsports or soccer. In the US I plan to have a busy life, to make the most of every single minute of my exchange program, either studying and being in school clubs or developing new skills like playing the guitar. 

I am unique because of the way I do stuff, my fast thinking brain helps me a lot on answering questions, solving problems and quicly developing well timed jokes. People often say that the most notable things about me are that I am preety cultured, my passion for motor racing, how I am willing to help others with any kind of problem and my overall dedication on whatever I am doing.

This is pretty much all you need to know from me by now. Take care.


Parent Letter:

We would like to introduce Joaquim, our 16-year-old son. Throughout our entire life we had chances to travel abroad, in fact is one of our favorite activities. Also, his father and uncles had experienced living abroad on programs like high school.

We are a family that likes to travel. Besides once a year we have the tradition of going on a mountains trip in the middle of forest, we love to walk in several scenarios and discover new places.

We are Business Executives, the mother is Psychologist and HR Director, and loves to practice yoga, and the father is Business Consultant, Biologist & our home chef (he loves to cook).

Joaquim has been an energized young man, who likes gathering with friends online and in real life. As a teenager, he became more focused on his interests. When he has a difficulty or disappointment, he likes to be alone, gather his thoughts himself, then share. This also happened during the pandemic times. Although at first he got excited about the allowed extra free time he would have, as the time went by, he began to miss the real things and became more and more introspective. 

His current responsibilities are regard to the maintenance of his room and things, but mostly school activities and commute. 

He is a calm and polite boy, who is wishful to put his ability in the English language into practice in the real life, as well as to discover himself. He wants to live abroad to open himself up and to experience autonomy aside a safe home.