Jimena 15F Spain

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

I am fun, empathetic and I try to make my friends laugh to have a good time. I am also talkative and extroverted although until I gain confidence I am a little shy. I do rhythmic gymnastics, I like watching comedy movies and playing board games and video games. I like animals but I'm allergic to dogs. There, I would like to try to be a cheerleader, without forgeting gymnastics, and to be a volunteer taking care of children or doing handicrafts. I would like to cook typical Spanish food for them.


  • Gymnastics
  • Movies
  • Basketball
  • Travel
  • Swimming

Host Family Letter:

Dear host family, I think it's a good option to choose me since I'm kind, respectful, cheerful and I am learning to cook so I would like to cook some recipes to you in order to enjoy our gastronomy together. In the same way, I hope to learn your culture, way of living and have your support to make me easy the integration to your comunity. I live in a small town with my parents and my brother, who with I go to high school by bus or car. Classes start at 8:30 a.m and end at 2:25 p.m with a 25 minutes break. For breakfast I like eating cookies or toasts and milk with cola cao. I usually eat lunch and dinner at home since I don't like too much fast food and my mum cooks so good. In relation with the housework, my brother and I try to help where we can, such as set the table, make the bed before going to high school or clean the bathroom. Three times a week I do rhythmic gymnastics. To have a fun time I like to hang out with my friends because we get along very well and we laugh a lot. I also like playing boardgames or videogames to have fun. Although when I'm sad I like to have some privacy, I love people to hug me because I feel loved. I think my family and friends would describe me as a funny person, very kind, stubborn too, because many times I have to be right, hardworking and constant. Finally, I think that what makes me unique is my personality and my way of beeing, since it's what defines a person. I really want to meet you and share this experience with you, see you soon.

Parent Letter:

Hello, we are a normal middle class family. We like to celebrate all kinds of festivities, mostly when we have to dress up, especially Christmas, Halloween and carnival. We do not use the cell phone at the table at mealtimes and on weekends we do not usually have schedules because that is when we can all enjoy together, during the week depends on school needs. We believe that the best thing to do is to talk about what worries us and try to find the best solution between all of us to face the problems. As for the school and daily results, what we try to instill is that the important thing is the effort, not just the result. We love to go out on routes through the countryside and get to know new places, even on holidays. We also love the beach and enjoy a good meal. We have never had to tell her when she has to study because since she was little she has been very responsible in terms of studies and behavior, she helps us with the housework and we have tried to instill in her that just as you learn to win you have to learn to lose, in this aspect the teaching that is instilled  in sports has been very helpful. She doesn't hang out much and usually goes with her classmates or her rhythmic gymnastics teammates. They usually go to a hamburger restaurant for dinner, or something similar, and she comes back when they finish, she doesn't stay late and we try not to let her go back alone. We have always collaborated in school and high school activities. A greeting.