Giorgi 15M Georgia

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

I love solving puzzles, most people say I’m open minded and can think of solutions in hard situations. I love playing volleyball, table tennis and solving math and physics problems. I would like to join volleyball team or table tennis club while I’m on program. Right now I have some idea what I would like as my career. I’m really into programming, math and physics so I am thinking about becoming programmer but I’m still thinking about it.


  • Astronomy
  • Volleyball
  • Computers
  • Hiking
  • Table Tennis

Host Family Letter:

Every day I go to school in morning, after that it depends on the day. I might have English lesson, programming or physics and math. After all of this I’m going to home or I might go nearby manga shop and read some comics for an hour. After I get home I do my homework and I’m done with school part of the day. After I’m done with homework I might go out for a bit. Walk, play soccer/basketball/volleyball with friends. In the evening if entire family is at home and everyone is free we watch movies sometimes. Me and my father love to make friendly bet on board games, I have won most of the bets. I also like playing table tennis. In pandemics me and my family had tournaments in table tennis. In that times I was not really good at it so I would place 2nd or 3rd but now I almost always win. I would say that what makes me unique is how I think, how I strategize stuff in life and maybe in games too like in chess. 

My friends and family would probably say that I’m good person, pretty smart. I would love to introduce Georgian food for host family and friends I will meet there. I also like making Asian food and I would be grateful if I could cook some of those to host family. I hope I can learn the subjects I can’t study here in Georgia and I hope I can learn English better than I know right now. I really hope I will get along with host family and tell them everything I have done and achieved my entire life.

Parent Letter:

Before meeting and getting him better, I will tell you about my son... He is a friendly, responsible, polite, calm, balanced, cheerful and humorous teenager. Like most teenagers of this age, he loves playing computer games, so he can't control the amount of time he spends, so we set game time limits. From sports activities, he likes and plays tennis, table tennis, volleyball and basketball well. He is also fond of board games. We were always amazed by his mental abilities and skills. His academic background and special talents are related to mathematics, physics and information technologies; Also, he is learning several programming languages, spending more time studying technical subjects, because he dreams of working at this field. With the constant involvement and support of his family, he intensively participates in school- educational Olympiads and activities.

He was able to surprise us even after returning from summer camp-WEX. There he could not speak his native language, because the camp is English-speaking and one of the teachers was also from England . In 14 days, he significantly improved his knowledge of the English language, learned to play the guitar and play the diabolo, which the teacher Mathew entrusted and asked him to teach to the other children as well. We realize and appreciate your responsibility, and we sincerely thank you for your great contribution to this process.