Carolina 17F Brazil

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

I am a very active person, fun and social. I want to make friends, I like to spend my free time practicing sports, watching series, or chatting. During my exchange program I would like to join a volleyball team! I have an older sister, I have dogs at home, and I'm really looking forward to having great experiences and memories with my host family!



  • Games
  • Movies
  • TV Series
  • Soccer
  • Volleyball


Host Family Letter:

Hi, my name is Carolina, I'm 17 years old. I have an older sister who already went on an exchange program and loved the experience. Since when she came back and told me about her experience with friends, family and new people she met, I was enchanted and decided to go and have this incredible experience. During the week, I go to school in the morning, I study in the evening, I go to the gym and walk with my dogs. I love animals by the way. I would like to join volleyball team at school. On weekends I like to go out with my family and friends, stay at home playing games with my family or watching movies. I’m a very shy person at first, but I have lots of friends. I'm very close to my family, we really like to have barbecues and invite some friends over the weekends. I love traveling, seeing new places, and learning new traditions. I'm really looking forward to meeting my host family and creating wonderful experiences and memories together.


Parent Letter:


I am Carolina's mother. My family is very united, both in terms of problems and joy. There are many family activities. Going for a walk, at home doing household chores. Studies have a routine, kids arrive from school, have lunch, rest and sit down to study and do homework, and when they finish they go to practice sports where they stay until the end of the day. Curfew for bed is at 10pm.

In difficult situations to be resolved, I sit down and talk, highlighting the positive and negative points so that together we can reach a solution to the problem. Me and my husband always analyze disappointments, and we always think that disappointments are a learning experience so that we can act in different ways in the future, transforming into positivity. Carol is friendly, calm and has a big heart. She has culinary ideas and is great with dogs.