Carlos 16M Spain

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

I may seem shy at first, but I am really sociable, fun, and happy. I do not like to be too busy, but in my free time, I usually hang out with my friends, walk around my city with my family, or sing. As for sports, I enjoy cycling, ice skating and skiing, but I am not an expert. While in the United States, I would like to learn about their culture and share with them my point of view to let them learn about Spanish society too. Moreover, I would like to cook some Spanish food for my host family.


  • Ice-skating
  • Bicycling
  • Singing (in choir)
  • Current events/politics
  • Travel

Host Family Letter:

Dear host family,

I live in a medium-sized city, where around 200,000 people live. It is located in Andalusia, the southernmost region of peninsular Spain. Almost everyday, when I arrive at home, I help to set the table and serve lunch. After resting a little bit and doing the school homework, I go for a walk around the city or the countryside with my parents, which I really enjoy. Sometimes, my brother, who is older than me, comes with us. On Fridays and holidays, I usually hang out with my friends. My school is near my house, so I always go walking and spend a good time there, especially in Maths and Computing lessons, which are my favorite subjects although I obtain good results in the rest as well. Moreover, I am a curious person. I like to search about lots of topics, such as politics, history or transport (mainly trains, which I love). Otherwise, I would not have any problem in having an animal at home, except if it is a cat, because I am allergic to them, as well as to cypress, olive and salsola. I think I will have no problem adapting to the culture of the United States because I am always open to changes and I get used to them fastly. I think I should be chosen because I am disposed to learn about my host family, help them and also enrich them with my point of view. I want to receive and give the best during my exchange. I believe my family and friends think I am a natural leader, resolute and solidary.

Best wishes,