Amelie 15F Germany

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

I’m a very curious and open person. I love to experience new things and adventures. In my free time I like to do something in science (especially Biology and physics), playing chess, reading, do photography and horse back riding, which I would prefer to do also in the US but it wouldn’t be that dramatic if not. I have a sister and that’s why I could imagine to share a room with an other girl while my exchange. I’ve never done an exchange before and I’m very excited.


  • Science
  • Chess
  • Photography
  • Horseback riding
  • Reading

Host Family Letter:

Dear family,

I've already told you about my hobbies, so I'll continue with my daily life. Our school starts at 7:40 a.m., so I have to hurry in the morning to make it on time. I ride my bike to school, which is about 1.86 miles away. I ride together with my sister. School ends on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 4:15 p.m., and on Wednesday and Friday at 1:20 p.m. After school, I often have activities planned, like horseback riding with the horse I take care of. we usually ride in the riding hall or go out to the forest together. On Wednesdays, I participate in a special program where we visit companies or attend courses to learn and experience new technologies. On weekends, I have free time, which I use to study or spend time with family and friends. They would describe me as a very curious, open, and ambitious person. I love to have fun and laugh. I would like to bring some German culture into your home, for example, by cooking something simple and German (I'm not that good at cooking, but I can make something typically German) or showing you typical German games. I love traveling and experiencing the world!

I would be very happy to join you, and I'm looking forward to my exchange!


Parent Letter:

Dear host family,

we are happy that you will host our daughter Amelie. We would like to introduce ourselves:

we are: mother, father and Amelie's younger sister aged 13. Our daughters have a close relationship, they support each other and love spending time together although they are quite different.

Horseback riding and taking care of horses has been Amelie’s biggest joy for many years. She is interested in politics, travelling and books. If there is a book store nearby she will spend hours in it. Amelie is also very interested in science. It doesn’t matter if chemistry, physics or technology, she is curious and engaged by nature. If she spends a lot of time in her room, don’t worry. She probably has her nose in a book. As an introvert, Amelie needs some time by herself everyday. Of course she loves her phone. She mostly listens to audio books and music or watches Netflix series. We don’t allow apps like Instagram or TikTok. Amelie is in charge of taking care of our bunnies. She also has to clean her room and she knows how to do laundry. Being neat and tidy is not one of her strengths, but she is trying. On the weekends she has to empty and load the dish washer plus set the table.

She has really grown up during the last year and developed a set of skills dealing with disappointment and stress. As a family we enjoy hiking, board games, travelling and having regular meals together.

 We hope you will have great time with Amelie!