Adriano 15M Spain

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

I am a extroverted person who likes to talk with other people and very optimistic. I like to do a lot of sports like soccer, basketball, volleyball and table tennis, other of my hobbies is hang out with my friends. I don't know what I will study in the future because I like a lot works and careers. I like to meet new people and to do new activities with my family or alone. I like all type of animals. I would like to learn everything possible on the trip. Thanks for read this.


  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Scuba Diving
  • Table Tennis
  • Volleyball

Host Family Letter:

Hello my name is Adriano I’m 14 years old, I’m doing 9th grade, I’m from Spain. I want to go to USA for 10 months because I’m sure I will learn to speak in english better and learn other things, for example the history or the culture of the country. I will contribute happy moments for the family, if my american family wants I will teach them to cook some delicious dishes of Spain. I am very extroverted, I love to talk with other people, I really like sports and I want to do some new sports with my family members or alone I am open to any activity. My city is really big so normally I don’t go out of it, I like the countryside, I live in the center of my city. I love my country because we have a lot of types of landscapes and animals. 

My father is too funny, his hobbies are photography, cycling, and see animals because he likes them, he is a plumber. My mother is more shy than my father, she is more peaceful than him, she likes fashion. My sister is 7 years old and I like to play with her. Normally I go to school in the morning and in the evening I spend time doing my hobbies. I go to a big school near of my house. On the weekend I hand out with my friends. In my house my mother cook and mi father clean the house when they need something I help them. I know how to cook because sometimes and when I am alone I prepare my own dinner. Finally i want to thank my future family for accept me in their house and I promise  I will try hard.

Parent Letter:

First We want to thank the family who works in this project their generosity when deciding accept our son in his home. We are a couple who have born in the same neighborhoods of a big city, we met for first time when we were teenagers, we got married when we were 29 years old. Our son`s name is Adriano and he is the oldest of our children. We love to spend time doing activities for all of us, one of our hobbies is traveling, we traveled to London, Brussels Costa Rica... we like nature. We live near of Adriano`s grandparents, they are an important part of our live. Adriano is a very lovely person who is responsable, friendly and docile. We want him to tell us every problem or ambition he has. 

For us its going to be so difficult to separate of him because he didn´t do yet, but we Think it Will be a Great oportunity for has Academic experence but especialy for his own person.  We are sure that the family who accepts him will love him by the first moment because he is a serene boy, very kind and if you have a bad day he will give you a happy moment. it’s difficult to see bad things in your son but he is messy and he needs to feel good in his new family.

Thank you again for welcoming our son into your house.