Adam 15M Jordan

Authored By:

Host Families

Introduction Message:

Hi, my name is Adam. I have 3 siblings whom I love together. Our favorite thing has to be building puzzles we've been doing since we were kids with my parents. I have a very active lifestyle. I like to keep myself very occupied I find it fulfilling, I recently started trying out American football, I go to the gym, I go on hikes frequently, I run for fun and do some cooking sometimes. I'm interested in sports like football, basketball and formula races, cooking, travel and reading.


  • Hiking
  • Swimming
  • Playing American Football
  • Reading
  • Cooking
  • Horseback Riding

Host Family Letter:

Dear Host Family,

I have a really great group of friends that I’m really grateful for. They're who I spend most of my time with, and who I enjoy being around. We do everything together big or small, on normal days we like to go hang out at a cozy cafe or eat at restaurant. Other days we go to the gym, explore the city or go on walks. I’d like my host family to know how I have a funny fear of dogs, I love watching movies and I have really good taste in music. I'm sure I will learn a lot from this experience and make a lot of memories. What I want to learn the most is how to deal with problems without the help of others and how to be an independent person. I plan to become a lawyer in the future, a corporate lawyer to be specific, I want to study psychology then go to NYU school of law.